Senin, 24 Juni 2019


Hi friends If you are interested in joining the BTCC project, you should read reviews that can help you get information that can help you see their vision and mission. Here's the review:

What is Btccredit Token / Coin?

The next gen crypto banking solution, a Blockchain based P2P lending solution.

Medium of Exchange
USDT as a medium of exchange and Bitcoins as collateral.

BTCC Tokens as a medium of exchange and BTCC Tokens as collateral.
By using USDT as a medium of exchange the System fees for borrower will be 0.25%.
By using BTCC Token as a medium of exchange the System fees for borrower will be 0%.

When Bitcoins are pledged as collateral, borrower has to pay the interest as per the Loan contract.

Borrower can borrow upto 75% LTV of the collateral value by pledging BTCC Token.
Borrower can borrow upto 60% LTV of the collateral value by pledging Bitcoin.

Loans with BTCC Tokens will be featured as priority.
Loans with Bitcoins and ALT coins will be featured as medium priority.

By using BTCC Tokens as a medium of exchange,EMI can be Refilled by using BTCC/USDT
By using USDT as a medium of exchange,EMI can be Refilled by using USDT only.

In case of BTCC Tokens as medium of exchange,Penalty fees will be 2.5% which will be paid to the System by the borrower in case of late EMI Payment.

In case of USDT as medium of exchange,Penalty fees will be 5% which will be paid to the System by the borrower in case of late EMI Payment.

When BTCC Tokens are pledged as collateral , Penalty for late fees will be 0%, which will be paid to the system, by the borrower in case of late EMI Payment.

When Bitcoins are pledged as collateral , Penalty for late fees will be 5%, which will be paid to the system, by the borrower in case of late EMI Payment.

Rewards will be given in the form of BTCC Tokens on successful handshake , to both the Lender and borrower,and to the borrower on successful payment of EMI by the borrower.

How it Works?

USDT and BTCCredit Lending System
USDT - User can Lend USDT backed by LDT Tokens whose value is 1 LDT:1 USDT, by deploying a smart contract on Ethereum Blockchain, with Bitcoin (BTC) as collateral by the borrower.

BTCCredit - User can Lend BTCC Token, by deploying a smart contract on Ethereum Blockchain, with BTCC Token as collateral by the borrower.

The System will Reward the Lender and the borrower with BTCC Token when a contract is deployed between them.

The Borrower will again be rewarded with BTCC on every successful EMI Payment.

15% Extra Loan Amount
In Alpha, Borrower gets 60% LTV of Collateral (BTC) deposited, But in Beta Borrower gets 75% LTV of Collateral (BTCC Token) deposited.

Token Distribution


Q4 2018
P2P Crypto Loan System Launch
The journey begins with Borrow-Lending, a Peer-to-Peer Crypto Loans System Launch.

Smart Contract On Ethereum
LDT Tokens Contract, BTCC Tokens Contract.

Q1 2019
USDT Lending system Launch
Users Can Lend USDT which is backed by LDT Tokens and Smart Contract

Getting Apps Available on Mobiles
Getting the Lending Platform Compatible with Mobile Phones.

Acquiring Licences
Acquiring Crypto Wallet and Lending Licences

Crypto Wallet Launch
Crypto wallet Launch.

Q2 2019
BTCC Token Listing on our Lending System.
Now users can Lend Using BTCC Tokens and can use BTCC as collateral.

P2P Exchange Launch
Peer-to-Peer Cryptocurrencies Exchange Platform Launch.

Q3 2019
Staking Plan Launch
Staking plan launch for investor, who will be benefited with interest on BTCC / BTC hold as staking

ALT Coins Lending and Colateral
Now users can Lend Using Alt Coins and can use Alt Coins as collateral.

Q4 2019
Crowd-Funding Platform
Peer-to-Peer Crowd-Funding platform

You can join or participate in the Btc Credit sales crowd through the following links:


Auhor: Rafaandika
Bitcointalk profile:;u=2622071;sa=summary
Eth address: 0x19C8eB6d14C17E2918aF2D0Bf03F649F05606598

Minggu, 23 Juni 2019


Beste Wünsche an alle unsere Kryptowährungsliebhaber, wir werden das Projekt über AIS vorstellen. Wenn Sie am AIS-Projekt teilnehmen möchten, werfen wir einen Blick auf die folgenden Bewertungen
Das AIS-Projekt wird in der Mongolei keine Kryptowährung austauschen. Wir bieten auch eine Plattform zum Austausch von Münzen mit vielen Funktionen. Neue Kryptowährungsbenutzer werden neue Kryptowährungsbenutzer anbieten, die tatsächlich als echtes Finanzvermögen dienen. Um dies zu erreichen, werden wir in das Mining-Geschäft von Double Cryptocurrency investieren und in reale Mining-Ressourcen investieren 
Darüber hinaus werden wir unter der Aufsicht einer Zentralbank in der Mongolei eine Geschäftsverbindung mit einer der wichtigsten Banken in der Mongolei begründen und nach geltendem mongolischem Recht eine Börse betreiben. Mit einer Bankfiliale können wir erstklassige Sicherheit auf Weltniveau realisieren. 
Wir bieten Dienstleistungen zum Austausch von Währungen mit legitimen Währungen an
erlaubt die weitere Verwendung von Vermögenswerten. Zum Schluss möchten wir etwas bieten
Wir bei Project AIS planen, eine Art digitalen Geldwechsel in der Mongolei aufzubauen. Die vorgeschlagene Cryptocurrency-Börse wird alle Funktionen und Funktionen aufweisen, aber auch Dienste für Benutzer bereitstellen und 
den Wert unserer digitalen Währung erhöhen Durch Investitionen in Kryptowährungs-Mining und Ressourcen-Mining können wir nicht nur von der Börsenplattform, sondern auch von diesem Mining-Projekt mit den Münzinhabern profitieren.
Was ist die Mongolei? 
Die Mongolei ist ein internationales Land, das im Norden von Russland und im Süden von China umgeben ist. Wir denken oft an Nomaden, Hochland und Autoeinheiten. Etwa die Hälfte der 3 Millionen Einwohner lebt in der Hauptstadt Ulaanbaatar. Die Mongolei ist ein einzigartiges Land mit einer in einer Stadt konzentrierten Bevölkerung.


Ein AIS-Token ist die Original-Münze, die zum Austausch der AIS-X-Kryptowährung verwendet wird.
Ressourcen für den Bergbau
Neue Rohstoffunternehmen graben Gold, Bronze und Kohle, spezialisieren sich jedoch auf den seltenen Metallbergbau.
Das neue Cryptocurrency-Mining untersucht verschiedene Kryptowährungen mit speziellen ASIC-Maschinen, indem es Sicherungsrisiken misst, um die Mining-Effizienz zu reduzieren.
Geschäftsverbindung mit Banken
Wir werden den Austausch von Kryptowährung auf einem Server innerhalb der Bank für maximale Sicherheit speichern.
KI-Experten, die mit dem Verhalten der Benutzer vertraut sind, werden von den täglichen Transaktionen bis zur Markttrendanalyse unterstützt.
Wir planen, Chat-Dienste als Gegenleistung für Kryptowährung bereitzustellen.
Wir werden auch eine münzbetriebene Plattform mit vielen Funktionen anbieten.
Wir haben ein Geschäft mit einer der größten Banken in der Mongolei gegründet, die auf der Grundlage der Gesetze der Mongolei einen digitalen Geldumtausch betreibt.
doppelter Bergbau
Wir werden in ein doppeltes Kryptowährungs-Minengeschäft investieren und Gold, Bronze, Kohle und seltene Metalle abbauen.
Dritte Division Gewinn
Inhaber von AIS-Münzen profitieren von drei Gewinnbeteiligungsplattformen, von Kryptowährungs-Mining und von Ressourcenvorteilen.
KI-Betreiber, die das Nutzerverhalten verstehen, fungieren als persönliche Händler, um Benutzer bei digitalen Währungstransaktionen zu unterstützen.


Die Cryptocurrency Exchange-Funktion von Mount GOX bis Coincheck, das Hacken von Cryptocurrency ist zu einem großen Problem geworden. Sogar Binance, die größte Kryptowährungsbörse, berichtet über Hacking-Vorfälle. Wie Sie vielleicht bereits wissen, sind Hacking-Vorfälle nicht das Ergebnis der Sicherheitsanfälligkeit der Schlüsselblocktechnologie in der Kryptowährung, sondern das Ergebnis von Sicherheitsanfälligkeiten im Exchange-Sicherheitssystem. NIEX auf Vermögenswerte zu schützen, haben wir getroffen 
Sicherheitsmaßnahmen folgende: 
· Authentifizierung zwei Schritten 
· MultiSig 
· Vorteile 
· Funktion Master – Passwort · Kältespeicher 
· Funktionalität Mail – Zugang
Soft Cap: 10.000.000 USD
Hardcap: 45.000.000 USD
Zuweisung von Token
Öffentlich: 50%
Stiftung: 20%
Team: 15%
Berater: 10%
Preis: 5%
Betrieb: 35%
Forschung und Entwicklung: 35%
Marketing: 25%
Gesetz und Compliance: 5%
Lizenzanalyse der Charakteristika menschlichen Verhaltens / Ausgehend von der AI-Programmierung
Vertragsunterzeichnung mit der Bank NI
Gründung von NIEX, einer AIS-Projektorganisation in der Mongolei
Ausgehend von der Firma Cryptocurrency Mining.
UJI Concierge-Software EXAM
Austausch der Kryptowährung in der Mongolei
Angefangen bei den Ressourcenbergbau-Investitionen.
B EXAM AI Concierge-Software
Starten Sie die AI Concierge-Software
Das Team
Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter folgendem Link:

Author: Rafaandika
Bitcointalk profile: 
Eth address: 

Sabtu, 22 Juni 2019

NUPay ==> A Decentralized Payment System

The NUPay venture is significant on the grounds that it is a blockchain undertaking, and I trust we as a whole know the highlights of blockchain. On the off chance that you don't have the foggiest idea, blockchain is a decentralization framework, it is secure, straightforward and utilizes shrewd contracts to verify and run a smooth and quick exchange. The point of NUPay venture is to assemble a decentralized installment structure which will can be utilized at salepoint, online store and disconnected store. So NUPay is an installment foundation that make clients to deal with their portfolio, make an installment through the framework and get compensated for the exchange that took spots. This is simply excessively incredible and we should all be glad this sort of task came up. NUPay is another crypto installment stage, for the most part online business, that points in settling issues in regards to Crypto Payment benefits that clients regularly face. That is the reason NUPay plans to make an administration for straightforward and secure system.
In the customary installment stage, there is dependably an outsider that procure from each exchange you made. In my nation at consistently end, the installments stage deduct administrations charges from my record. Be that as it may, NUPay is changing the story; the NUPay installment framework is much the same as a free as far as administrations. When you make an installment or exchanges through the NUPay stage, you acquire their token. This token can be exchange with dollar or any money you like.
Another zone I will like us to think about again is exchange time. In past installment structure, you can make an exchange and it will takes hours before it get convey. At times, the focal system framework may be down and the whole framework will crumple. The case is distinctive in NUPay which is a blockchain installment framework, it is quick as light. This framework is intended to deal with a huge number of exchanges every seconds.
The favorable circumstances the NUPay installment framework has over the regular installment framework is exceptional.
From the whitepaper and plan of NUPay venture, they will work with various gatherings and foundation stores where around 25 million clients to clients installment will be plausible with a month. They are additionally attempting to enable clients on the best way to spend their propelled assets and cryptos at reasons for affirmation both on the web and disconnected.
The underlying coin offering occasion is a way to raise finance for the improvement of the stage. It is likewise a road of making sound speculation. It is a venture since you are getting the token at a shoddy ascent which will be higher that the future cost when it enters trade. In any case, singular help is required monetarily to push the task into more prominent stature.
Token Sale Details
Token Symbol:- TPCT
Stage:- Ethereum
Whitelist:- 18 FEB 2019 - 28 FEB 2019
Pre Sale:- 15 JAN 2019 - 28 FEB 2019
Pre Sale cost:- 1ETH = 25000 TPCT
Open Sale:- 4 MAR 2019 - 31 MAY 2019
Open Sale cost:- 1.0 ETH = 25000 TPCT
Tolerating Currency:- BTC, ETH, XRP
Delicate Cap Target:- 500,000,000 TPCT
Hard Cap Target:- 1,000,000,000 TPCT
The all out token supply is 2,500,000,000 TPCT
Just 40% of the all out token is accessible for sell.
In the conviction that computerized monetary forms will a little while later transform into the standard money or installment gadget, NUPay are wanting to dispatch cryptographic cash related organizations and advancements. The NUPay's token known as 'TPCT' will functions as an instrument of exchange and a store of huge worth that can be spent and accumulated, credited through the NUPay Payment System. The NUPay system, spreading over both on-advertise and disconnected markets, will allow the usage of TPCT tokens and other major crypto coins, nearby compensation centers and vouchers. Always remember this is a sort of framework that you get remunerate for the exchange you did.
For additional data about NUPay, kind look at any of their official link underneath:
CPCT site:
Author: Rafaandika
Eth address: 

ROC2 - The First Ever Crypto Adult Reality Show in HD


The Cryptocurrency market is nowadays pretty similar to the Wild West during the gold rush period. It is possible to earn money very quickly, sometimes even good money, but you have to find a perfect spot, or in this case, a good project to invest. Common thing to the Wild West? No guaranties and almost no law. It is pretty easy to find bad cowboys which are going to promise you golden mountains to steal your last piece of bread. So in all this mess, if you want to find your gold nugget, you can trust just your own brain composites.

With my research, I found this project in which I really put my faith: ROC2. Very likely you haven’t heard about them, project is made by great team members. Nevertheless, guys have an advantage, many other teams does not: already existing product made on a very perspective field. But these are not all pluses I found in this project. Below you can read the analysis and decide on your own, do you want to send some pennies to the pot.

Rasputin Party Mansion is a live broadcast Entertainment hub giving viewers from across the globe the medium to connect with the in-house models on different levels. ROC2 and Rasputin Party Mansion have entered into a strong brand alignment and partnership agreement with RedTube who sit at the top of Adult Entertainment with one of the biggest Adult tube sites in the world.


1. Worldwide entertainment

The project functions as a premium live broadcast Entertainment hub giving viewers from across the globe the medium to connect with the in-house models on different levels. The custom built broadcast studio will be set out as a party mansion and will house 100 models all coming from different parts of the world. Throughout the house there will be 200 cameras streaming life inside live, in High Definition, 24 hours per day. Cameras will be placed in all living areas, party and bar areas, swimming pool, gym and spa areas, the outdoor kitchen and hot tub area and in the bedrooms and bathrooms all of which broadcast live pictures and audio to the paying customers.

2. Party Mansion

Within the party mansion they will also have 35 Live Show rooms. These live show rooms are private rooms where the models perform on camera broadcast to a live audience. Viewers can chat in a public chat room and tip the model at any time or they can engage in a private show with the model.

3. Film production

The Phase2 Party Mansion will also have dedicated areas for adult film production where the paying customer can order a bespoke film acted out by their favourite model to their script, this will be both for live action filming and also for animated adult films. All of the models will have their bodies 360 degree scanned into the animation stations for use in animated films ordered by the customer and the customer can also use their own voice as the voice over for a male character should they choose to.

4. Customer purchases

There are multiple products the customer can purchase within the site, they have 6 products available for purchase in the current version of the Party Mansion, with Phase 2 we will have up to 30 products available for purchase including the Virtual Girlfriend, buy a night in the Fantasy Suite for your favourite model, ordering gifts for favourite models, create your own live action adult film, create your own animated adult film, direct a live scene, make your favourite model your SIM for a day, buy camera used sex toys, purchasing gifts for your favourite model, VR party room access, model direct messaging, model tipping and several more that we are keeping under wraps we launch them.


1 single ROC2 token will be exchangeable for 90 days of full camera access to the RPM2 platform. 1 token will grant the user access to 200 cameras streaming in high definition, to the fiat paying customer this will come at a cost of $150.00 giving the ROC2 token a theoretical redeemable for services value of $150.00.

Token name - Rasputin Party Mansion

1. Token Symbol - ROC2
2. Decimals allowed - 10
3. ROC2 Token Total Supply - 27,000,000

Filename: ROC2.sol

1. Github Repository: https:/
2. Commit Hash: 3240b5df656addbf8707ce01b8c45f75238f91b9
3. ROC2 Smart Contract Address: 0x774d3a7B9a5fb33D5525252A275BF440E742b179

ROC2 will be traded on Crypto exchanges with a maximum possible initial listing market cap of 55 million USD. We will list on the same exchanges where ROC1 is currently trading and we will also list on 3 new exchanges. A problem we encountered when trying to get ROC1 listed was that due to the dividend bearing feature of ROC1, many exchanges who liked our project could not list the token.

From ROC1, Rasputin Party Mansion was conceived, the undertaking was conveyed early, has become quicker than we foreseen and paid profits to the proprietor of the token ROC1.

Rasputin Party Mansion Phase2 (RPM2) is a dramatically upscaled and improved version of the already successful Rasputin Party Mansion. RPM2 will be a 53,000+ square foot (5000m2) purpose built studio that will house 100 models with 200 cameras broadcasting their lives, live in High Definition 24/7. Rasputin Party Mansion is currently a live project, functioning as a premium live broadcast Entertainment hub giving viewers from across the globe the medium to connect with our in-house models on different levels.


Above you can see the roadmap — how the team sees their nearest and long-term future.


Team seems to be the strongest part of this project. It consists of innovative and talented people. Of course I cannot complain if we talk about their professional level, guys indeed are experts on their field.

ROC2 is classified as a utility token and therefore the exchanges that previously showed good interest in our project will take the token for trade on their respective platforms. The token will be listed for trade on the 10th day after the close of the ICO.

For more information, please visit:


Bitcointlak username: Rafaandika
Bitcointalk profile: 
Eth address: 